1. The APSRTC provides only the facility for transaction with APSRTC’s PassengerReservation System through the Internet. APSRTC’s rules forreservation and booking apply to all such transactions along withspecial conditions imposed for Internet based booking. The specialconditions and terms of service applicable to Internet booking aredetailed in this document.
2. The following terms and conditions will apply if you wish to use the APSRTC’sonline ticket booking service offered through the APSRTC websitehttps://www.apsrtconline.in . Please go through the conditions carefully and ifyou accept them, you may register and transact on the site, you aredeemed to have agreed to the terms and conditions set forth below.If you do not agree with these terms and conditions, you must nottransact on this Website. Once you have clicked the agree button at the bottom of Terms and Conditions at login page, you have enteredinto a formal agreement with APSRTC for the purpose of transactions onthis website.
3. If a user violates the terms and conditions of use by registering more than oneuser ID and /or booking tickets on such multiple user IDs, APSRTCreserves the right to deactivate all such user registration and cancelany or all tickets booked using these registrations without anynotice.
4. APSRTC’s performance of this agreement is subject to existing laws and legalprocesses of Government of India and nothing contained in thisagreement is in derogation of APSRTC’s right to comply with lawenforcement requests or requirements relating to your use of this WebSite or information provided to or gathered by APSRTC with respect tosuch use. You agree that APSRTC may provide details of your use of theWeb Site to regulators or police or to any other third party, or inorder to resolve disputes or complaints which relate to the Web Site,at APSRTC’s complete discretion.
5. If any part of this agreement is determined to be invalid or unenforceable pursuantto applicable law including, but not limited to, the warrantydisclaimers and liability limitations set forth herein, then theinvalid or unenforceable provision will be deemed superseded by avalid, enforceable provision that most closely matches the intent ofthe original provision and the remainder of the agreement shallcontinue in effect.
6. This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the customer and APSRTC withrespect to this Web Site and it supersedes all prior orcontemporaneous communications and proposals, whether electronic,oral, or written, between the customer and APSRTC with respect to thisWeb Site. A printed version of this agreement and of any notice givenin electronic form shall be admissible in judicial or administrativeproceedings based upon or relating to this agreement to the sameextent and subject to the same conditions as other business documentsand records originally generated and maintained in printed form.
Procedure for e-ticket booking:
Online Booking (Internet Booking) will enable the passenger to bookthe seats and cancel the ticket even from remote places where APSRTCcounters or franchisees are not available. The procedure andguidelines for Internet booking (called, On-line booking) are detailedas follows:
1. Booking can be made by Registered user through the Internet. Registered User will begiven username and password after filling an E-form on the Internet bygiving his personal details.
2. Payments for tickets booked will have to be made through Credit Card /Debit Card.
3. Passenger booking the ticket will have to login to APSRTC website and proceedthrough the link provided for Advance Booking. The passengerwill select the seats in a service of his choice based on theavailability.
4. During the booking process, the passenger will have to select Identity Type andsubmit ID No. for confirming his identity during the journey. He canselect from any of the Photo Identity Cards i.e. Passport, DrivingLicense, Voter ID Card, PAN Card, Ration Card (passenger’s).
5. Before confirming the booking, the passenger will have to provide paymentdetails like ‘Credit Card / Debit Card’ for accepting payment by thePayment Gateway. The booking will be confirmed after the PaymentGateway approves the transaction. At this stage, an OB ReferenceNumber will be generated for that ticket and passenger shall note thisnumber for further communication in future with APSRTC and aftersuccessful transaction passenger can print the e-Ticket. ‘e-ticket’will be printed on a plain paper (A4 size) for acknowledgement and itwill be valid for journey. This e-Ticket MUST be produced atthe time of boarding the bus along with ID proof.
6. Alternatively, the passenger will have the option of getting the ‘e-Ticket’printed at any other place where he has Internet connectivity andprinting facility. He can print the ‘e-Ticket’, by logging onthrough his User ID from Booked History in My Account tab.
7. After successful transaction this e-Ticket will be sent to passenger’smail address provided in his profile at the time of Registration. Hecan get the printout of this e-ticket from his mail.
8. During journey, with “e-Ticket”, passenger has to possess the Original Identity Cardmentioned in the “e-Ticket”.
9. The on-duty Conductor (or Driver-cum-Conductor) will verify the Identity Card ofthe passenger mentioned in the e-Ticket during the journey. If thepassenger fails to produce the specified Identity Proof in originalduring the journey, the ticket will be treated as INVALID andthe passenger will be treated as “Travelling without Ticket”.Photocopies of Identity proof are not allowed.
10. Partial cancellation is allowed only once, for which cancellation terms & conditions will apply. Partial cancellation is allowed in round-trip tickets provided the same number and type (Adult/child) are cancelled in both UP & DOWN Journeys.Except TTD SED and Srisailam Darshan Bookings
11. For Registered users, cancellation is allowed online only if they login with the sameuser ID used for booking the ticket, which is to be cancelled. Inrespect of cancellations, refunds applicable will be made to theconcerned Credit card / Debit Card account only.
12. Cancellation of e-tickets is only allowed one hour before the schedule start time at origin of the Service.Except TTD SED and Srisailam Darshan Bookings
(Video) How to Book Bus Ticket In Online Telugu 2020 | APSRTC Bus Ticket Booking in Online
13. If the service is cancelled by APSRTC (or other STUs) for operational reasons, refundapplicable will be made to the concerned Credit card / Debit Cardaccount only.
14. If a passenger has lost the “e-Ticket”, a copy of the same can be printed from”Booked History” module by logging on to APSRTC site, through his UserID and password. No charges will be applicable.
15. Alternatively he can get the printout from his email account, without logging into APSRTC site.
16. All transactions made by the user through on-line booking will beavailable in “Booked History”. This will be for the reference of thepassenger and subsequent verification of transactions made on theconcerned Credit card / Debit Card account.
17. All transactions on Internet are subject to the conditions stipulated bythe Payment Gateway and subject to levy of charges, if any. The APSRTCwill levy a service charge of 2.5 % on the fare applicable for eachseat in addition to the fare payable.
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18. Users are advised to print e-tickets immediately after booking e-ticket to avoid inconvenience.
19. Payment Gateway Service charges will not be refunded for service cancellation/ failure transactions in e-ticketing.
Waiting list:
1. The e-Ticket user who intends to get wait listed seat when desired service is FULL,will be given WL1, WL2, WL3 etc., depending on the number of wait listed seats, duly collecting full fare.
2. In case of vacancy arises on account of cancellation, the wait list rolls up tothe extent of vacancies in the service and new wait listed passengers are allowed.
3. Seat will be allotted against cancellation to wait listed passenger (seat) on FIRSTIN FIRST OUT basis. A SMS and an email will be sent to the e-Ticket user.
4. Seat confirmed/ unconfirmed position will be sent to the passenger via SMS/e-mailbefore 3 hrs from the scheduled departure of the service. Alternatively he/she can know the status in https://www.apsrtconline.in
5. If confirmed seat is cancelled normal cancellation/refund rules will be applied. In case unconfirmed seat is cancelled, total fare excluding Reservation fee and Payment Gateway Service charges will be refunded.
6. Wait listed passengers will not be permitted to travel in the service on the strength of the unconfirmed ticket. They will have to cancel the unconfirmed waiting list seats.
Refund Procedure:
1. In respect of tickets cancelled by the passenger, APSRTC will refund the amountapplicable to the concerned Credit card / Debit Card account by APSRTC.
2. In respect of refunds due to ticket not booked but amount debited to passenger’saccount, passenger is requested to send an e-mail toonline.support@apsrtconline.in mentioning USERID of the transaction.Officials of APSRTC will verify the details and refund the amount tothe concerned Credit card / Debit Card account.
3. Refunds to passengers will be given normally in one month, after the cancellationof ticket or receipt of e-mail. If refunds are delayed more than amonth, passengers may contact helpline telephone number at 0866 2570005from 04:00 hrs to 23:00 hrs.
Information related to advance booking at APSRTC/Franchise counters:
Advance Booking.
(Video) How to Book BUS Ticket Online in Telugu || APSRTC ticket Booking || Raju Naik Tech
1. Advance booking can be made for all long distance services covered under APSRTCreservation system at a single counter irrespective of the place ofBoarding and Destination of the service.
2. Passengers can board the services at passenger Boarding /pickup points.
3. Passenger details (or group leader in case of a group) such as name, age,gender, address, phone no., e-mail ID (optional) will be collected forcreating passenger database and communication in case of emergencies.
Reservation Fee
1. Advance reservation fee of Rs.20/- per seat is charged for passengers booking seats in advance.
2. Passenger Cess @ Rs. 2/- in DELUX, EXPRESS and Rs. 3/- on other services will be collected per passenger.
3. Rs. 15/- will be collected per passenger for all AC Services (except Vennela) towards Passenger Amenities (disposable seat cover, air freshener, wet napkin) provided.
4. Reservation Fee is non-refundable except in case of 100 % cancellation of tickets, if the service is cancelled byAPSRTC for operational or any other reasons.
5.Passenger PIS_TAX @ Re. 1/- will be collected per passenger.
Cancellation Rules
1. For cancellation of tickets, cancellation fee is calculated on the journeyfare applicable as per the mentioned slabs here.
2. Cancellation of tickets with discounts will be as per the rules in force. However,cancellation charges will be worked out on the collected fare of theticket
and refund amount will be fare collected less cancellation fee.Further, cancellation charges are applicable on actual fare only.
3. Reservation fee, Payment Gateway Service charges and levies (except GST, amenities) are not refundable.
4. The cancellation for e-ticket and refund rules slab wise (excluding thereservation fee, which is non refundable) are as follows:
Sl.No | Cancellation Terms | Cancellation Charges |
1 | More than 48 hrs before the Schedule service start time at origin of the bus. | Only reservation charges + levies(except GST,amenities) +Service Charges (in case of e-tickets) |
2 | From 48 hrs before and up to 24 hrs. before the Schedule service start time at origin of the bus. | 10% of the actual fare + Reservation charges + levies(except GST,amenities) + Service Charges (in case of e-tickets) |
3 | From 24 hrs before and up to 2 hrs before the Schedule service start time at origin of the bus | 25% of the actual fare + Reservation charges + levies(except GST,amenities) + Service Charges (in case of e-tickets) |
4 | Up to 1 hr before Schedule service start time at origin of the bus. | 50% of the actual fare + Reservation charges + levies(except GST,amenities) + Service Charges (in case of e-tickets) |
5. Cancellation rules for special services slab wise are as follows:
Sl.No | Cancellation Terms | Cancellation Charges |
1 | More than 48 hrs before the Schedule service start time at origin of the bus. | 10% of the actual fare + Reservation charges + levies(except GST,amenities) + Service Charges (in case of e-tickets) |
2 | From 48 hrs before and up to 24 hrs. before the Schedule service start time at origin of the bus. | 25% of the actual fare + Reservation charges + levies(except GST,amenities) + Service Charges (in case of e-tickets) |
3 | From 24 hrs before and up to 2 hrs before the Schedule service start time at origin of the bus. | 50% of the actual fare + Reservation charges + levies(except GST,amenities) + Service Charges (in case of e-tickets) |
4 | Up to 1 hr before Schedule service start time at origin of the bus. | 75% of the actual fare + Reservation charges + levies(except GST,amenities) + Service Charges (in case of e-tickets) |
Service Cancellation by APSRTC
a) If service is cancelled by APSRTC for any reason, tickets are cancelled automatically and refund amount will be credited to the customer account.
No postponement / preponement of the journey is allowed in e-ticketing.
Return Journey Discount
(Video) How to book bus tickets in online apsrtc
1. Return Journey Discount of 10% is given only if the passenger books both onward andreturn journeys simultaneously (in a single transaction) on selective routes only.
2. This discount is allowed only if the date of return journey is higher than the dateof onward journey by minimum one day.
3. If onward and Return Journey Tickets are booked on different dates for want of seatavailability or non-availability of advance booking facility, this discount is not allowed.
4. If the onward journey ticket is to be cancelled, passenger has to first cancel the Return journey ticket.
5. Cancellation of Return Journey Tickets will be as per the existing rules.
Related issues
1. Maximum of six seats can be booked on a single ticket.
2. Three transactions will be allowed per day in e-ticketing, on a Single credit card/debit card etc.
1. Passengers must carry the hard copy Journey ticket along with TTD darshan ticket to board the bus in Tirupati..
2.Passengers who board the bus in Tirupati please report at YEDUKONDALU BUS STATION after arrival the bus at Tirupati station.
3.Passengers who board the bus in Tirumala please report at RAM BAGICHA BUS STATION.
4.Passengers must carry the original Aadhaar card no.
5.TPT- TML Journey is valid up to 24hrs from the Tirupathi arraival time subject to 2 hrs. before the Darshan Slot time.
6.Aadhaar number must match with passenger journey ticket and TTD darshan ticket.
7. Tirumala and Tirupati ticket are valid up to 72Hrs from the actual journey ticket arrival time.
8. TTD tickets booked with child passengers must take the tirumala up and down ticket in bus.
- APSRTC e-Wallet is a channel that allows you to hold your money in your APSRTC account as a prepaid balance, and can be used only for bookings with apsrtconline.in
- Any balance in APSRTC e-Wallet account does not attract interest.
- Money parked in your APSRTC e-Wallet account do not expire. You can redeem at any time to book your tickets at apsrtconline.in.
- In case of cancellation of bookings made through APSRTC e-Walletaccount, the refunds if any after deducting cancellation chargeswill be processed and credited back to your APSRTC e-Wallet account.However, if the booking were made partially using APSRTC e-Walletand partially using credit/debit card, the refunds would beprocessed back as received from the respective source.
- The Wallet money can be transferred within APSRTC Wallet Account only.
- APSRTC has the rights to reward the APSRTC e-Wallet userwith cash back or other promotional offers from time to time. Italso at its discretion will monitor the account and may alsotemporarily suspend the APSRTC e-Wallet account in case of anydiscrepancies.
- The above terms and conditions can be amended, modified or withdrawn by apsrtconline.in at any time without notice.
- Cash back is eligible only on wallet amount.